Tax Law

How Can A Tax Levy Lawyer Protect You?

A Tax Levy Lawyer protects the taxpayer from IRS collection efforts. Once the taxpayer receives a Notice of Levy from the IRS, the employer is responsible for notifying them of the amount owed. Once the notice has been received, the IRS will take action to collect the debt. However, an experienced lawyer can help you arrange a payment plan, which will allow you to make your payments in a manageable timeframe.

A Tax Levy Lawyer in Louisville can work on your behalf to negotiate a payment plan with the IRS, which allows you to make payments over time. If you are employed by an employer, the employer must notify you of the levy. Your attorney can negotiate with your employer to set up a payment plan that makes your debt manageable and less stressful. It’s important to remember that your tax owed may increase after the judicial process.

If you are facing a tax levy, the first thing you need to do is contact a good Tax Lawyer. An attorney will be able to fight for your rights and help you protect your assets. The IRS has the right to freeze your bank and investment accounts for 21 days. An experienced attorney can work with the IRS to negotiate a payment plan that can be more manageable and less stressful. A lawyer will be able to help you prepare a plan that will work best for you.

A Tax Levy Lawyer can defend your rights and work with your employer to negotiate a payment plan. The IRS will not work with you if you don’t have documentation to support your financial situation. A qualified tax lawyer will be able to provide these documents and negotiate an agreement with the IRS on your behalf. You should seek legal assistance as soon as possible. It’s important to be prepared to provide all the information you can.

A Tax Levy lawyer can help you present evidence to the IRS so that they can avoid levying your assets. The Internal Revenue Service will not take your assets without a notice. The IRS will first send you a Notice and Demand for Payment. Once you fail to respond within ten days, the IRS will then levy your property. A tax levy lawyer will be able to help you fight this action and get your assets back.

The Internal Revenue Service will first try to negotiate a payment plan with you. Then, it will send a Final Notice of Intent to Levy your assets. If you don’t respond to the notice, you will be subjected to a levy and a ten-day window to respond. This time period will enable you to file an appeal, contest the IRS’ decision, and propose alternatives. If the IRS finds that you have a valid reason to levy your assets, it will cancel the liens and return your money.